Thursday, December 24, 2015

Grasshopper Pie

Here is the chocolate wafer cookie crust recipe that I use:

50 Oreo Cookies, crushed (I use my food processor)
1/2 C butter, melted

Reserve a couple of tablespoons of the crushed cookies and put the rest of the crushed cookies in a 9" x 13" pan, add the melted butter and stir until mixed. Press lightly onto the bottom of the pan. This makes a pretty thick cookie crust. If you want it thinner, just use fewer cookies (maybe 40 instead of 50).

 Grasshopper part:

1 carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream (Edy's was really, really good, but I only use that when it's on sale!)
12 ounces of Cool Whip  This doesn't come in a 12 oz container any more so I usually get 2 8oz containers (usually cheaper than buying a 16 oz) and use a whole one and split the other one in half. It doesn't have to bee perfectly measured.

Soften the ice cream in the refrigerator. Make sure the Cool Whip isn't frozen so it's soft enough to mix. Mix the ice cream and the Cool Whip together and place on the prepared cookie crust. Sprinkle with the reserved cookie crumbs.

Freeze for a couple of hours before eating!

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